Daily Routines
This topic provides early years practitioners with lots of language to use as part of the daily routine as the children are welcomed to their morning/afternoon sessions. (e.g. welcome, hello, good morning/afternoon etc) You will also find useful songs to help with days of the week and the changing of the daily weather chart.
02. Daily Routines - Activities 213.81 KB
01. Daily Routines - Guidance 174.40 KB
03. Daily Routines - Song Lyrics 606.40 KB
03. Càit a bheil Màiri? 4.15 MB
06. Ciamar a tha thu? 5.04 MB
09. Deagh Bheachd 13.86 MB
04. Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? 3.78 MB
07. Làithean 3.55 MB
02. Madainn mhath dhuibh uile 4.17 MB
05. Tha i fuar an-diugh 3.80 MB