The Body
Let’s learn the Gaelic words for parts of the body! You’ll meet an alien and a robot along the way. I wonder what your favourite body song will be. There are lots to choose from!
10. Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh? 5.11 MB
07. Cò ris a tha e coltach? 4.91 MB
05. Falt 5.53 MB
04. M' aodann, D' aodann 8.57 MB
06. Mòr! 14.20 MB
09. Tha cuileag air mo cheann 14.20 MB
01. An t-aodann 1,001.00 KB
03. Cà' bheil do... 1.30 MB
02. A' Bhodhaig 2.50 MB
08. Cò ris a tha i coltach? 4.41 MB